Pop-up production | Apr 2017
Mr Tesla Played
By: Tanja Mastilo
At: Various locations
Playing: 2017, 2018
★★★★★“Nathan Meister may have been alone in his portrayal of this giant of science, but his
electric chemistry on stage was clear to everyone to behold.” CPHPost
★★★★★”Nathan Meister som Nikola Tesla gjorde det fremragende” – Kulturtid
”Et kammerspil, mesterligt spillet af den herboende new zealandske skuespiller
Nathan Meister” – Michael Svennevig
”Jeg er efterhånden levet rimelig afhængig af Why Not Theatre Companys fine små
forestillinger, der ofte spiller på overraskende lokationer.” – KOPKultur
Mr Tesla Played is the story of a deeply fascinating man and his drive, inventiveness and need to create. It is about his self-control, altruism and his eccentric and principled lifestyle. It is also the story of the loneliness and isolation an inventive soul can experience, when the scale of his ambition is way ahead of his time.
Nikola Tesla, who is claimed by many to be the true father of the electric age, is the classic unsung hero.
Mr Tesla Played is a monologue performed in an intimate setting, allowing the audience to get up close and personal with Tesla. We tell the story of how the smart guys don’t always win against the less smart.