Teatret ved Sorte Hest | Sep 2021
Happy days
By: Samuel Beckett
At: Teatret ved Sorte Hest
Playing: 3rd – 25th September 2021
★★★★★★”Technically faultless, compellingly emotional! “ CPHPost
”Jeg fatter ikke, at det kan være så spændende at kigge på denne jordscene,
skabt af Peter Dupont Weiss, men det er det.” – Michael Svennevig
★★★★★ “Det er absurd, sjovt og tragisk på en gang.” – Kulturtid
★★★★★”HAPPY DAYS er endnu et højdepunkt for Why Not Theatre Company” – CPHCulture
”I ’Happy Days’ går Sue Hansen-Styles undergangen i møde med et uforglemmeligt
smil! ” – Information
“Another heavenly day!”, exclaims Winnie to her quiet husband, as she executes her daily routines buried up to her waist in dirt. The more stuck she becomes, the more she insists everything is absolutely fine.
HAPPY DAYS was written in 1961 by Samuel Beckett as a reaction to an increasingly disconnected world and has since become a legendary piece in the absurdist theatre tradition.
In 2021 HAPPY DAYS takes on new, thought-provoking dimensions as the overwhelming effects of globalisation, climate change and the pandemic impact our lives.
Why Not Theatre Company has asked director Peter Dupont Weiss to bring Beckett’s iconic play to life for lovers of Beckett’s dark and humorous and universe and newcomers alike.