Bådteatret | Mar 2014
By: Margaret Edson
Playing: 6th – 22nd March 2014
★★★★★”WIT hører blandt de allerbedste engelsksprogede forestillinger, vi har set herhjemme i flere år”. – CPHCulture
★★★★”Wit på Bådteatret er noget så sjældent som stor teaterkunst om kræft.” – Politiken
Sue Hansen-Styles spiller cancerpatient i ’WIT’ hos Why Not Theatre på Bådteatret. Med hjer-
teskærende smerte og eminent selvironi”. – Information
Funny. Brutal. Moving.
How should we live our lives knowing that we will die? Is the way we live our lives and manage our relationships with others ultimately more important than our material and professional achievement? When we know that our days are numbered, what is really most important to us?
Margaret Edson’s Pulitzer prize-winning play tackles these issues in a forceful yet unsentimental way. WIT is a funny, sharp, life-affirming and enlightening piece about human relations, dignity, forgiveness, compassion and grace in the light of one woman’s imminent death.