Teatret ved Sorte Hest | Apr 2018
The art of falling
By: Sara Stridsberg
At: Teatret ved Sorte Hest
Playing: 20th April- 12th May 2018
★★★★★ “This was a storming production aided by some first-rate acting,
exemplary costume changes, well-judged sound effects and
scenography, and engaging musical mash-ups (…)” – CPHPost
★★★★★ “Opsætningen på Teatret ved Sorte Hest finder i scenerne mellem mor og
datter den helt rigtige balance mellem det grotesk morsomme og det dybt
tragiske.” – CPH Culture
★★★★★“Det er herligt med sådan en lille perle af et stykke (…)” – Kulturtid
“Det er en interessant og spænednde aften i teatret (…)” – QX28
Sara Stridsbergs 2015 play takes us to the Atlantic coast and a totally run down mansion in the exclusive area of East Hampton, North of New York.
Mother and daughter, Big- and Little Edith Bouvier Beale live here: two women who once belonged to the American aristocracy but now live like impoverished bag ladies in a bizarre, Beckett-like folie à deux. Surrounded by tinned food, piles of rubbish, cats and other stray animals, these two eccentrics live, cut off from reality, in a bubble of their own.
Stridsberg’s The Art of Falling is a wonderfully absurd tragicomedy, based on the true life story of Jackie Kennedy’s cousin and aunt, as shown in the cult documentary “Grey Gardens” (1975).