Various Venues |
Digging Up Shakespeare
By: William Shakespeare
At: Various Venues
Playing: 2014
Why Not Theatre Company is delighted to be taking part in CPH:STAGE – Copenhagens’s new annual theatre festival.
3 old fossils dig up Shakespeare to enlighten and entertain.
Madeleine Entwistle, renowned archeologist and lecturer, hotfoot back from Richard III’s gravesite, is visiting Copenhagen to breathe life back into Shakespeare.
Her troupe of stalwart thespians are to perform scenes from the Bard’s most beloved plays and maybe render a Sonnet for good measure (for measure).
But Maddie suddenly gets a text from Rigshospital: her actors have all been seriously injured whilst rehearsing the final scene of Hamlet.
What can she do?
She must enlist the help of two most unlikely and unwilling volunteers…
An entertaining medley of scenes and sonnets from the works of William Shakespeare.

Sue Hansen-Styles

Andrew Jeffers

Barry McKenna
William Shakespeare & Barry McKenna
Directed by