Teatret ved Sorte Hest | 2020
Dance with me
By: Peter Asmussen
At: Teatret ved Sorte Hest
Playing: 2020
★★★★★ ”DANCE WITH ME ender som en stille frydefuld oplevelse med Sue Hansen-Styles i en
af sine fineste præstationer – sublimt støttet af Solbjørg Højfeldts rene iscenesættelse.” – CPHCulture
★★★★★ ”Det er dejligt, at der er et teater som Teatret ved Sorte Hest, der giver plads til smalle
og lødige forestillinger, der tvinger til eftertanke. ” – Kulturtid
★★★★“Dance with me – lille scene, stort skuespil” – POV
”Det er en stor præstation – og kunstnerisk er det fremragende forløst. ” – Michael Svennevig
Written by one of Denmark’s greatest contemporary playwrights, Reumert-winning Peter Asmussen’s Dance with Me is a touching story about one of the most common social challenges of our time: loneliness. The play is about an abandoned woman’s intense longing for love and fulfilment.
She speaks in a stream of consciousness to the love who has left her and to the friend for whom he may have left her, while exposing a life that has become “so rich with nothing”, that alcohol is now her only anchor.
She moves deliriously back and forth in time and emotion, in a fruitless struggle to understand her past and what she has been through. And just as the ground starts to feel solid underfoot, it is pulled away from her again.
What really happened between her and the man in her life? How do we move on from grief and regain the joys of life?
Dance With Me is a poignant testimony to what loneliness does to a human being. It is also a heartwarming story about the human need for love and community. It is also a brilliant study of woman’s wavering between stubborn strength and tender vulnerability.